SAVINGS GIMB SAVINGS ACCOUNT (GISA): This is a conventional savings account that allows customers to deposit funds as well as make withdrawals from their accounts through the use of pass books, withdrawal and deposit slips.

GIMB DAILY SAVINGS ACCOUNT (GIDSA): A daily savings product which encourages good saving culture. The flexibility of this product leads to financial freedom.

GIMB FUTURE SAVINGS ACCOUNT (GIFSA): This is a product tailored to meet customer’s specific future financial needs such as: Marriage, Asset Acquisition, House Warming, Christmas, Ileya (Id-El-Kabir), Easter, Land Purchase, Hajj, Rent payment etc. This is a savings product designed for our customers seeking minimum risk exposure and guaranteed income on their funds.

GIMB PREMIUM SAVINGS ACCOUNT (GIPSA): This is hybrid of savings and current accounts that can be operated with a customized in-house cheque book.

GIMB EDUCATIONS SAVINGS ACCOUNT (GESA): This is a savings account product that allows customers to save for their children’s school fees and other commitments associated with their education.

GIMB GREATER TOMORROW ACCOUNT (GIGTA): This is a product that allows customers to inculcate savings and investment culture in their children.

GIMB HAPPY RETIREMENT SCHEME (GIHARES): The product is designed for active employees/entrepreneurs who are presently engaged in various business endeavours but would save now with the mind of using their savings to establish their own businesses after retirement.

CURRENT ACCOUNT GIMB CURRENT ACCOUNT (GICA): This is the conventional cheque opening account where withdrawals and savings can be made at a moment’s notice. It could be for individual, Joint account, Partnership, Business Enterprise, Clubs, Societies or Limited Liability Companies.

GIMB SALARY ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT (GSAA): It is a payroll banking product designed to assist customers to effect salary payment to staff in a seamless manner.

CALL ACCOUNT GIMB ORDINARY CALL ACCOUNT (GOCA): It is a call account made easy for quick and easy savings and withdrawal.

GIMB 7-DAY CALL (GDC-7): This is a deposit account that is operated like a proper term deposit but requires 7-day notice before withdrawal.

TERM DEPOSIT GIMB TERM DEPOSIT ACCOUNT (GITDA): This is a short term product that delivers higher returns.

GIMB DISCOUNTABLE DEPOSIT ACCOUNT (GIDSCA): These are discountable products that are tax efficient such as bankers Acceptance, Commercial Papers etc.

GIMB MEDAL DEPOSIT ACCOUNT (GIMDEPA): These are tenor based accounts that confers on the account holder some special privileges.